Saturday, December 09, 2006

Haha I just checked my email and had a message from Buster McThunderstick! Nobody spams the Spamurai! Except maybe about 15 people/robots a day. Here's Buster...

with his nutty friend, Peanut McButterpants. I'm not sure what was going on here - they were visiting a school, that's all I know... but I thought worth a photo.

On a complete tangent, with nothing at all to do with Buster McThunderstick, these are some sights I snapped just wandering aimlessly around Kobe.

I saw Tommy Lee Jones. He is featured on some vending machines in frames from TV commercials (or CMs as they're called here - promounced shee e-moo) for Boss Coffee, my favourite. Why would you have someone lame like Meg Ryan pretending she's just woken up in her log cabin (which are popular here, by the way) drinking Nescafe when you can have Tommy just looking sour and beaten by the world!? I love it. There's another brand here with a variety called Deeppresso! I tried to explain to Kazuya my mirth - what a great name for a pick-me-up! More like a weigh-me-down.

Some banks of vending machines are like a 24 hour outdoor minimarket. They also are handy for lighting the street.

Finally, here's a little experiment I didn't mean to conduct in the "crisper" of my fridge. I think Carrot McCarrot has seen crisper days. I think I have finally, truly earned my bachelor of fine art.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is devon the new cheese?
hmm perhaps im missing something impotent here? puzzled look
the bear in only here for the beer - and rightly so...cycle sluts from hell sang a song "im only hear for the bear/beer"!! well done

such talent so insight
such chance
love yor work

2:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that is sooo cool. You got a picture of Stretchman. He's the guy in the top picture with the yellow spandex suit and pointy head. He has a kids' program in the morning.

7:52 PM  

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