Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"Nice to meet you. Say...'aven't we met before?"
(Alvina, do you remember this fella? I can't believe I didn't get a picture of us! Sorry!)
Well, that's drinks, how about food:
Spam a la leftouvres
I'm digging up Takarazuka again. Today on the train I sat opposite one of those disturbing individuals I described last time: a devotee of the Takarazuka Revue. She rifled through her bag of goodies, having just come from the shrine - the Takarazuka Grand Theatre. One by one she pulled out a brochure of different productions, then finally pulled out a highly-produced, glossy mook devoted to one of the actresses. She was of course dressed and groomed conservatively and very properly but proudly nailing her freak colours to the mast.
---{ 400 yen }---
Spam en l'hiver
No, I'm not really cultured, just googled "french for winter"! As Mr Lebowski says in the Young Ones... "I'm not really foreign you know... I just pretend to be to seem more sophisticaaatid". I came home yesterday with ears aching from the cold. This morning I walked past patches of white frost. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (not the one I know, tho! No water fights in the backyard this time 'round!). I tried my new gloves for feet type socks - with individual toes. Feels mighty weird - not sure I'm a fan.
---{ 200 yen }---
Spam a la coupure de coeur
Again, googled "heartbreak". We are currently conducting tests at school istead of running lessons. Towards the end of one a little girl very dear to me looked up at me with nervous, helpless eyes... then stared blankly at the paper in front of her... then burst into tears. For at least 20 minutes. I say at least because when her dad carried her out of school she was still going. I felt like utter crap. I know it's not really my fault - she never does her homework or listens much in class and it wasn't the wisest choice by her folks to get her to sit the optional test... but I still felt so bad for her. I nearly cried too... after work I once again met the bear called beer. Hmmm...
---{ I'll give you yen to take that one off me }---
Well, chef's gone crazy and called it a day. No more spam in the larder... but unlucky you... there's a another batch due in soon...
...'til then


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