Saturday, November 05, 2005

All aboard the sushi train... the first one I've seen over here.

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time. That's 4 litres worth of relaxation! Will set you back about AU$35.

This guy convinced me I should buy Gatsby hair wax. Really.

The more you eat the less distance you have to move your arm from plate to mouth. Art.

Oh all right, I'll take your blinking photo.

Did you know that they used to use pigeon poo to paint their faces white? I hope I wasn't having my leg pulled when I learned that. It's useful information when parties reach a lull.

Oh, I found a shop today where they sell those guns - they were just in a regular toy department. They are actually BB guns - must be like the one in Lost in Translation (that one fired tracer bullets that light up). They all look like the genuine article. They had everything from pistols through to assault rifles with grenade launchers - for you gun-toting sociopath Koo brothers - Hechler & Koch Mp5s, Steyr semi automatics, Colt M4s and many others (I think I got those right)! And just one rack away from the Duplo blocks. Wacky... oh well, at least they're not real, although if the police saw you with one they'd probably shoot you!

Well Wednesday night my first serious bout of the blues hit - Thursday was worse and thankfully today it blew past. I took it to heart when I learned some of my students are finding my classes boring. I think in my head I snowballed it into "I can't cope here, I'm sick of everything, I just want to be able to ask anyone anything I need to know, I'll never be able to teach..." etc etc... But I'm feeling better about things now. I was warned about how the homesickness/culture stress will just suddenly jump up and bite you. Another decription is that it's like a cold - it recurs every now and then. Anyway, hopefully for the next while or so I can take on the challenge of making my classes more interesting. Having discussed things with the manager a bit it's actually somewhat of a relief to know I can lighten up a bit. It probably doesn't help that I look like a Japanese sarariman (salary man) in my suit. Yes, laugh it up - I have to wear a suit ...for the first time in my life. Anyway, I hope that the kids aren't the only ones who will have more fun.

Well, it's late. I was just going to stick up some photos tonight, so I'll spam you later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ian!!

I'm enjoying your photos! Keep posting your pics up.

As for bird poo, well, I've been told that its acidic! Don't think it would be pleasant to put poo on your face or something that's acidic :P

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ian,

take heart! some of the boys i taught even fell asleep during class. i can't say that i was a very entertaining teacher but when the kids have so many tuition classes to go to they are bound to get restless.

your photos are awesome :)

8:46 AM  
Blogger Alvina said...

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!! :D

you make me laugh ! love your sense of humour Ian!

We're missing you heaps back here too, but I'm sure God's working lots in your heart ! :)

laterz :D

9:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love the photos and the captions. Ian, You're a crack-up. Even if you're class might be boring, you're entertaining us here in Australia! Cheer up!

9:31 PM  

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