Thursday, September 07, 2006

No, there hasn't been another earthquake in Kobe. This is a part of the foreshore that the city has kept in its upheaved state, following the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995, to give a sense of the devastation. Kobe is a port city and very attractive at that - leaves Osaka looking pretty gross in comparison. There is a video display near the water that explains what happened that fateful day. The area that receives all the shipping was shaken to bits as some of the huge cranes that lift containers from ships toppled over, and semi-trailers fell into huge ditches that appeared as expanses of tarmac dropped metres. Elevated sections of the Hanshin Expressway fell over, as did some buildings. It seems strange, considering I've been here almost a year and never felt a quake (well one, but it was in Tokyo). There have been times when I thought I've felt something, but so slight I could have imagined it. This isn't such a good thing, as no movement means that the stress is only building more and more as time goes on 'til the next big one. But that is supossed to be years away.... hmmm.

Kobe Port Tower is a symbol of the city - it's basically a tourist observatory and radio transmitter. It looks good at night as its orangey-red frame is lit-up. Meriken Park in general is a really nice area.

No, the martians haven't invaded. This is a high-speed concept ship on display outside the maritime museum. I haven't been inside the museum, but this thing is pretty groovy. I want to know if it works! It looks like it's been used. The metal thing on the edge of the picture is an example of the type of engine used - looks more like a jet than a boat engine.

What's big, metal and looks like a fish? A big metal fish. Sorry, that's about as enlightening as I get.

An old building surrounded by new ones. See what I mean? I guess I should write something pithy about the relentless march of progress or old Japan/new Japan but I'd be talking out of somewhere that's not my mouth. I think I might be already... I should go to bed.

This guy makes me feel a lot more comfortable about my collection of toys.

Now we go west of Kobe to Suma for the All Kansai Combined Churches Beach Party. There was a whole lotta hulain' going on.

Little Minori, my pastor's daughter, is a great little dancer.

Next to me is my friend Eriko and the little boy is Ryoya, her son - I've mentioned them before when I talked about going to Sanda matsuri (festival). What 5 year old poses like that!? Can you see his face? He cracks me up.

Speaking of crack-ups, here's another culprit, Eric. I've mentioned Eric before too - he's a writer, actor, father, English teacher and encourager, among other things.

Ogi is a friend who was at my church until about May, when he had to move to Kanagawa. So, it was great to see him again at the party. All up there about 250 people there! And about 25 of them took the plunge...

Now you've probably seen Asian people sitting on the beach before, fully clothed - at least, I have in Australia. No, they don't swim fully clothed! There's a baptism going on here. Taketo decided it was time to express his commitment to Christ.

To the left is my friend Masa and to the right is our pastor, Fumi. Another guy at our church got baptised on Sunday, after coming to church for only a couple of months! That is a really short time for someone to become a Christian anywhere, let alone Japan. People here seem to think about things like that for years before taking a position on it.

Anyway, I'm going to bed! See ya


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey is that guy on the bike wearing yellow Crocs?? Those shoes are so popular here...I don't get them...

That's really cool about the baptism! I baptised someone last Sunday :)

5:16 PM  

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